Tuesday 19 March 2019



Lumion Rendering

This Hero Shot truly captures the building and its integration into the land surrounding it. That not only does the building adapt to the terrain yet the terrain is also forming to the building, alongside the contrast between the rectilinear building and natural landscape is highlighted in this shot. The render depicts most of the building and its relative size whilst the lower angle looking upward at the top building emphasises the grand stance it has overlooking the cliff. Within the shot, the underground levels can be seen emerging from the cliff with its glass front to capture the sunlight whilst the retreated upper building floats up on the wall slices and support beams.

This Detail Shot captures the stair case leading upward to the buildings above. The shot highlights the simplistic staircase which has been cantilevered off the cement wall. This was chosen to emphasise the relationship with this wall, stair case and the building. Within the Hero Shot the cement slices are seen holding up the upper building and connecting it to the ground, this detail shows the important connecting piece which not only connects the buildings but provides the connecting staircase. The detail also incorporates the custom material of 'crystalline' which almost resembles marble stone.


The model was uploaded to GOOGLE WAREHOUSE and is named 'ARCH1101 EXPERIMENT 1 2019 MODEL ZEEL MISTRY Z5209039'

The following images depict the process of creating this model, through the different changes and alterations that were made;

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